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How to join

In order to join the “Associazione Patriarchi della Natura in Italia” (Italian Patriarchs Association) you should submit a formal request to the Board of Directors, according to the articles 4 and 5 of the Statute (see below).
In order to obtain the application form you can either apply to the Association, which will send it by post, or you can download it from this site (registration form).
You should fill in the application, sign it and send the original copy by post to:

Associazione Patriarchi della Natura in Italia
Casella Postale n. 17 Agenzia 3 Forlì
47121 Forlì FC.

The Board of Directors examines the application at its first working meeting and deliberates on whether to accept or reject it. In case of approval, the new member will receive a notification by post or e-mail as well as a deposit slip containing the postal current account in order to make the payment of the annual fee. After having made the payment, the member will receive the membership card and will officially become a part of our association.

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